Montblanc - What moves you makes you

What moves you makes you is a Montblanc project by W+K. I was brought in as a conceptual senior art director
to create the follow-up campaign from 2020. The goal was to tell Cillian’s story of what moves him.
Although not involved in the production of the campaign. My visual idea for the project was moved into production by W+K.
The basis of the visual world is a description of all the lives Cillian Murphy has led; we show (abstractly) all the paths that lead you to where he is today.
Inspired by Paul Jung, we see multiple Cilians treading the boards of life accompanied by his trusty Montblanc equipment.
The solid visual language creates a sense of detail and abstractness, which runs through the project as a common thread.

Concept only
Creative Directors: Joseph Burrin & Elena Knox
Copywriter: Richard Gorodecky